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Ain't nothing like a weekend filled with partying to recover from a tooth extraction, LOL.

Anyway I bet you were holding center court at the reception. I'm sure you were a hoot with that garter on your head.

Lil' Sis

Good Morning!

Glad you had a great weekend! Mine was chill! I hope the rest of the summer remains that way!



Yay for catching the garter! lol. Invite me to the wedding!

I'm happy your face went down and you were able to enjoy your weekend. Sounds like you had an amazing time.

Miss Kem

LOL! Sounds live as hell! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Oh, by the way, are you holding out on us? Do you have anyone in mind to "hitch up" with? LOL! Hollla...


Miss Kem asked my question. All that partying you had to meet somebody. Don't hold back now!


I'm glad you healed in time to par-tay! I always love your weekend details.


Hey Kel,

Glad you enjoyed yourself!
Details bro, details...lol

*smh* I bet you "forgot" the camera...


I had to stop in. A sistah is stealing minutes where she can get them this week. I'm glad the wedding turned out fantastic. *listening for kel's wedding bells in the distance* LOL


Glad you're feeling better. Sounds like a good weekend. Take care!


MAD at the garter headband....imma need you to go have a seat somewhere...lma0


I can just see you with the garter on your head!!! LOL


I'm with dee. It must've been hilarious to see you walking around semi-drunk with a damn garter on your head. ROFL!!!!


you stay clean with your fresh cuts!!! :)

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